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Why visiting Japan isn’t as expensive as you might think
Picture for Why visiting Japan isn’t as expensive as you might think

Food and Drinks

Why visiting Japan isn’t as expensive as you might think

11TH SEPTEMBER, 2023 | Updated 11TH SEPTEMBER, 2023

Whenever I speak to friends about visiting Japan they usually come back with “I’d love to but isn’t it very expensive?”. Well, happy to say that is very much no longer the case, in fact Japan can be a very reasonably priced travel destination. When comparing with destinations such as the US, Singapore, and Scandinavia the cost of hotels, eating out and shopping is surprisingly cheap. A meal out can be had for under $7/£5 and a local train or metro ticket for under $3/£2 and a hotel room for $100/£75.

READ MORE about Why visiting Japan isn’t as expensive as you might think


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